
Alpacas Bonding Up Close and Personal Alpaca
#0677 "Friends"
This was a very special picture of a yearling alpaca with it's momma. This picture has also appeared on the front cover of "PurelySuri Magazine," an alpaca magazine produced by the Suri Network.
#0946 "Up Close and Personal Alpaca"
He loved getting in my face!
Newborn Smile Motherly Love
#1218 "ET Reborn"
Fresh out of the womb, this picture
reminded me of "ET."
#0677 "Motherly Love"
This is so sweet with momma nestling
her young one.
Cria Sunbathing
Nursing Alpaca
Cria Sunbathing Nursing Alpaca
Newborn Alpaca Left Behind
Newborn Alpaca Left Behind